Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking is an exacerbated form of Stalking that groups together several Stalkers.

It is important to identify and report it as quickly as possible before it gets too big.

Among the typical behaviors in Gang Stalking we can identify the following:

  • Surveillance and watch of the victim, spying of his days

  • Contact with third parties including family and friends to question them or send them messages

  • Spying on victim's online activities

  • Insults and threats

  • Violation of the victim's dwelling house

Stalkers or Gang Stalkers can become dangerous as they often suffer from a distorted perception that causes them to misinterpret their victim's refusal to communicate or not even be aware of it at all.

Even though Gang Stalking is seen at first as an unpleasant intrusion into privacy rather than a dangerous threat, the actions of the Gang Stalkers that sometimes seem unthreatening at first will quickly change.

Among Stalkers especially physical or sexual violence is a very common means to achieve their goals.

What we observe is that many Stalkers leave their victims alone when the authorities intervene.

The earlier clear limits are imposed on them by the police, the more Stalkers will stop their actions and the less victims have to fear serious consequences.

It is therefore not appropriate not to report the Stalkers to the authorities for fear of an even worse reaction from them.

Likewise with regard to Gang Stalking, it is not advisable not to denounce the accused persons to the authorities because one can fear even more aggressive behavior towards the victim.