File a complaint for electronic torture

In France, Electronic torture or electromagnetic harassment is still ignored by the judicial authorities.

It is high time that a legal text concerning this type of harassment be decided.

Please feel free to sign the petition here.

It proposes a new bill for the Senate.

However, it is possible to file a complaint for electromagnetic harassment.

A lawyer specializing in criminal law is advised in the event of harassment, in particular in the event of electromagnetic harassment.

How to file a complaint?

It is recommended that you file a complaint by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the public prosecutor instead of filing a complaint with the police because your complaint is more likely to succeed.

In addition, this type of complaint remains very marginal, so it is preferable not to go to the police station.

In any case, you can then become a civil party to obtain damages, in particular if your complaint is dismissed.

If the complaint remains unanswered, you can become a civil party three months after the initial complaint has been filed.