Cyber ​​harassment

Cyber ​​- harassment can constitute an attack antecedent to that of electromagnetic harassment.

This is what constitutes harassment via the internet (emails, social networks, etc.).

If you are the victim of this type of harassment, you can request the removal of the publications from their author or from the electronic support manager.

You can also make a report online to the police or the gendarmerie or file a complaint.

Internet indeed constitutes a simple solution to attack the victim by threats, insults etc.

There are several behaviors to adopt in the case of online harassment:

  • It is advised to retrieve the pirate's IP address for the constitution of the complaint file

  • Block this person's access to publications and alert the social network to behavior that violates its terms of use.

Limit the audience of your social accounts as much as possible. Privacy options exist for "not finding me", "not showing / sharing my friends list".

It is also possible to "ban" unwanted friends.

On Facebook, an option allows you to be notified if another user mentions your name in a photo (tag).

  • Without waiting for the police or gendarmerie investigation, it is preferable to collect evidence of harassment, in particular by means of screenshots.

  • The victim should file a complaint against the perpetrator (s) of the harassment as it may be serious threats that may precede other more serious acts.