Measurement of exposure to electromagnetic waves

  • Steps to follow

In France an individual who wishes to have a measurement carried out fills in a request form on the site or downloads it from

It is imperative that this form be signed by a body authorized by Decree No. 2013-1162 of December 14, 2013: local authorities (municipalities, groups of municipalities, etc.), regional health agencies, certain associations approved by the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Health ...

It then transmits the request to ANFR, which sends an accredited and independent laboratory to carry out the measurement.

The measurement of exposure to electromagnetic waves is indeed preferable in the case of a complaint for electromagnetic harassment.

The person who wishes to have a measurement carried out fills in a request form on the site or downloads it from

It is imperative that this form be signed by a body authorized by Decree No. 2013-1162 of December 14, 2013: local authorities (municipalities, groups of municipalities, etc.), regional health agencies, certain associations approved by the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Health ...

It then transmits the request to ANFR, which sends an accredited and independent laboratory to carry out the measurement.

The measurement of exposure to electromagnetic waves is indeed preferable in the case of a complaint for electromagnetic harassment because it

constitutes a piece of evidence.