File a complaint about Stalking

In France, as the legal texts are not very eloquent on this subject, it is necessary to be assisted by a lawyer specializing in criminal law.

A lawyer specializing in criminal law is ideal in the event of harassment, particularly in the event of stalking.

He is competent to represent you, ensure your defense, and help you claim damages to repair the damages.

To be assisted by a lawyer there is a request for legal aid, which covers all or part of the costs.

How to file a complaint?

First, regardless of the form of harassment you have suffered, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the law enforcement agencies or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the public prosecutor.

In any case, you can then become a civil party to obtain damages, in particular if your complaint is dismissed.

If the complaint remains unanswered, you can become a civil party three months after the initial complaint has been filed.

At the same time, the law provides protection mechanisms for victims depending on the situation. Also, to assert your rights, expert advice is strongly recommended to guide you on the decisions to be made.