File a complaint for abnormal neighborhood disturbances

In France, according to the decree of November 19, 1986, no one should cause other people to disturb the neighborhood abnormally.

In the event of abnormal neighborhood disturbances, it is advisable to inform the owner of the property by mail.

There is in fact an obligation of reaction from the owner to put an end to the abnormal neighborhood disturbance.

From the moment the landlord is made aware of the neighborhood disturbance led by his tenant, he has an obligation to intervene in order to put an end to this disturbance.

This obligation is enshrined in Law n ° 2007-297 of 5 March 2007 on the prevention of delinquency.

The latter provides that the owner has the possibility of terminating the lease as soon as the disturbances issued by the tenant are condemned by the courts.

In addition, article 1729 of the Civil Code provides for the obligation of peaceful occupation of housing.

Consequently, faced with all of these provisions, the owner is required to act in the event of abnormal neighborhood disturbances and give notice to the tenant to cease the disturbances.

(In the event that the owner does not initiate the procedures aimed at putting an end to the abnormal neighborhood disturbance, the latter may be held responsible for these)

If the disturbances persist, the owner can bring the case to justice because of the breach of peaceful use of the rented premises defined by article 7 of the law of July 6, 1989.

In this case, it is necessary to turn to the district court of the place on which the rented accommodation depends. The owner will then have to provide the evidence and all the elements to demonstrate the existence of an abnormal neighborhood disturbance. The judge will then assess its validity.