Means of audio or video evidence

Audio or video evidence also remains a relatively simple mean of evidence.

In French criminal law, the principle is that of free evidence (article 427 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

Victims of criminal offenses can therefore provide evidence even by unfair or even illicit methods such as clandestine audio recordings made without the knowledge of a party by a “private person”.

The means of audio evidence remain relatively simple.

For example by means of a voice detector with wall microphone. This means of listening works well in poorly soundproofed buildings. It is possible to connect the device to a loudspeaker or even directly record the conversation on certain models.

On the website where you can find many other equipment.

Or at a more affordable price at

Also by means of a spy camera pen or other.

Simply put the device in a shirt pocket and press its cap to start video and audio recording. There are several models on online sales sites, at varying prices.

In the case of constant phone calls, it is enough to record the conversations on the phone.

For example by putting the loudspeaker or with applications like Call Recorder.

In the case of a recording of a conversation on the telephone, it is very important to address the person recorded in such a way that it is identifiable (Mrs. Pig), to ensure the autonomy of the recording device (recording time - some can record several hours in a row - and battery life) and never to edit the recording: because it must be provided "raw" to the services of investigation.

The means of proof by video, camera image, or image also remain relatively simple and reliable in my opinion.

The means of proof by digital image constitutes proof before the court of the moment when it is possible to prove the place, the date of shooting and the integrity of the image, that is to say that this must not have undergone alterations.

For example by zooming in on the harassing person by taking the air of taking a selfie, or not, etc.